Church Staff and Officers
Church Staff
Church Staff
Rev. Randall K. ClowPastor and Head of StaffEmail: revclow@comcast.netRev. Clow has served New Bethlehem Church as pastor and head of staff since August of 2005. He resides with his wife and family in the manse. He can be reached at the church where he keeps regular office hours or at the above email address. If you have an emergency and are in need of pastoral care, please call the pastor at his home. Becky BarnaChurch SecretaryEmail: nbpcoffice@comcast.netBecky staffs the church office, ensures that church records are updated and maintained, serves as the Pastor’s secretary, and is the critical communication link between the pastor, Session, Board of Deacons, church members, church visitors, and the community. You will find Becky to be very friendly and willing to help you with all of your questions and church needs.
The church office is open Tuesday – Friday from 9:00am to 1:00pm. Our phone number is 724-378-3751.
Diana SpencerDirector of Youth MinistriesEmail: dianamermon@gmail.comDiana leads our youth groups, plans youth outings, and equips our young disciples with the Word of God so that they may serve Jesus Christ in the world today. Youth group events are fun, engaging, and relevant to the lives of our youth.
Jon BarnaChurch TreasurerEmail: nbpctreasurer@comcast.netJon began serving as our treasurer in 2024. He takes care of our bills, reimbursements, offering envelopes, and financial needs for our church. Please feel free to contact Jon through the church office or at the above email address if he can be of assistance to you.
Sharon SpannDirector of MusicEmail: music@newbethlehempc.orgSharon has served as the director of church music since 2017. Sharon's love for music and praise shows as she delightfully plays the organ and piano. Sharon also directs our volunteer choir and coordinates special music throughout the year. RD & Sons CleaningCustodianOur church contracts with RD & Sons Cleaning Service to provide a clean, hospitable environment in which to conduct worship services as well as other church events. Caroline ClowSextonCaroline is responsible for unlocking the church doors before worship on Sunday morning and for special events. She also ensures that the sanctuary is ready for worshipers to arrive. After our service of worship has concluded, Caroline locks the doors and secures the building.
Church Officers
Church Officers
(Governing Council)
Dena Litfin
Mary Cary
Bob Meanor
Kim Williy
Bryan Beatty
Ken Spencer
Jeanine McCaslin
Merle McConnell
Janet Kessler
Moderator of Session: Rev. Randall K. Clow
Clerk of Session: Diane Meanor
Board of Deacons
Robin Potts
Barb Golden
Linda Kelly
Judy Minton
Cal McConnell
Kristy Matesic
Amanda Raposo
Betty Schofield
Diana Spencer
Moderator: Calvin McConnell
Secretary: Linda Kelly