Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry gives young people a chance to participate in church life.
NBPC Performing the Life of Jesus skit at Smithfield Church of Christ
Service Project at our church - cleaning up the outdoor Sanctuary
Some of the many activities are offered to youth: unique bible lessons, mentoring from adult leaders, family fun nights, Vacation Bible School, Camp Lambec, local mission work, and fellowship with other youth groups in the area. Youth Group Grades - 1st-5th , 6th -8th grade and Sr. Youth Group 7th-12th grade
2024 Youth Schedule
Coming soon!!
They grow in their faith and spirituality, share their own talents, grow in life skills, develop a positive self image, serve others, and build life long friendships with peers, leaders and Jesus.
Christmas Caroling
Presbyterian Youth Triennium - Fun 4 days at Purdue University with over 5000 Presbyterian teens!
Have you ever thought you aren't important to God? Pondered if God would ever use you to make the world a better place? Luke 1:26-27
Writing cards to soldiers.
Sometimes you just gotta pray for others!
If you would like more information about joining our youth group, please contact: Diana Spencer or check out our her blog
Google: BBP youth catch a fire of God
Check out some of our skits on facebook and you tube at New Bethlehem Presbyterian Church.